Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Algunas palabras de Pavel a Kanankíl- 25/Sept/2010

Dear Rocio,
it was very nice to see you on Saturday! And again, sorry for the bad connection – we cannot recognize what was wrong, nevertheless we already started to deal about another space where the connection will be better. Anyway, in these events, we never know what can happen and I regard this as very good experience which we should learn from. And after the two Skype consultations I have found many things that we could learn from – and it is very useful for our future Skype consultations and also for possible others.
That´s why I thought that it would be fine if we would have the possibility to exchange our experience and recommendations for the more technical side of our meetings. So I have started a closed FB group that might serve this function well, maybe it could be also good source for the possible future article about our Skype consultations! You should get the invitation, please, invite also other people from Kanankil, I am not sure who were there – I have invited only Lupita. I suggest to write there only in English – sincerely, I am unable to read anything translated by Google translator:-)
Thanks a lot and I am looking forward to the next session!
Best, Pavel