Hola Chich@s aqui subo un articulo que me dio Karla, es sobre equipos reflexivos, les dejo el link para q lo puedan descargar.
Nos vemos Pronto
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Mensaje de Katka
Este es un mensaje que nos escribio Katka a Rocío, Alicia y a nosotros los estudiantes de Kanankíl, aquí se los dejo:
this is what I want to write to you and Alicia and other students now:
Now I can see the conversation between Rocio and Alicia from a different point of you, because of Pavel´s visit of Kanankil these days and his visit of shelter. He shared with us how it looks and works.. and I was crying when reading his comments, I was touched by the circumstances these people live in and the social system.. It so, so different here and there! I´m sure Pavel told you a lot so I am not going to explain it more, I was just shocked and touched and thinking about it for days.. I also realized the importance of your work, the work of all of you who study addictions and psychotherapy and wanna help the situation. And the work of all of you who put yourselves in the work with people there in the shelter...
You all have a great respect from me for the very emotionally (above all) demanding work you do.
I also realized the big misunderstanding in the Kanankil - Prague session when Alicia was talking about her experience with a client. She found her in this place and now I can understand much better, why it was so heartbreaking for her.. We translated the word "shelter" as it is in a dictionary and that means here a place, where everyone is for his own dissicion and can leave whenever he wants and all other things I´m sure Pavel told you about. So, my thinking was influenced by the bad translation and a absence in my mind of a possibility of existence of such a place... I would say a different thing being a team now. Alicia, hope you understand what I am trying to say...
I let everyone now from the Prague group about what had happend. See you all soon!
Reflexiones Katka y Jan
Reflexion de Katka
This is what I wrote you two days after the session, 31. 5. 2010:
This session in Prague prepared Jan, he was in contact with you about it and didn´t ask me for help so I was wondering how it all goes and it was fine. Nevertheless we agreed with Zolo and Marketa and the treasure guy that connection in a smaller group of us could work even better, since we will not be pressed by time or some training goals. In Prague we were working on prejudices of therapist and client for all three days and the lecturers had the idea that we could focus on them in the reflecting team we made for Alicia (hope it is her name in a written form :-). I don´t know if it was clear enough for you and your students since we didn´t have much time to explain this to you and that was why some of our reflections seemed to me to be to rough and not understandable.. In our regional group it could be different and more caring about explaining everything we will need...
Reflexion de Jan
That was so lovely to see Rocio and her students, to hear and get in touch with Rocio´s work again! I appreciate the possibility very much to listen to the conversation Rocio had with her student. I noticed how different local languages we have, how different it is evan in emotions - I guess we are far more cold persons here in Europe, not showing emotions very much and less spontaneous maybe too. These are things which are very inspirating for me to realize again. I could not have the opportunity to see my own land without seeing something very different from so far away - that is why I valuate this oversea connection very high.
Also I want to reflect the experience of having two reflecting teams. It seemed to be very different points of view but I would like to repeat (which we didn´t stressed enough during the skype conversation) this fact: In Prague we were working on prejudices of therapist and client for all three days of our training session and we had the idea that we could focus on them in the reflecting team we made for Alicia. I don´t know if it was clear enough for you and your students since we didn´t have much time to explain this to you and that was why some of our reflections seemed to me to be to rough and not understandable. That is connected with my feeling that one hour is just not enough for this kind of cooperation. There was more question than that and I hope we will have chance to talk about them in the regional group session!
Thank you very much Alicia for sharing your experience with us! I keep on thinking about it and wish you meet the girl again in a collaborative way ;-)
Fotos de la sesión de Equipos Reflexivos Kanankil-Praga
Monday, June 28, 2010
Las relaciones, los encuentros, van definiendo nuestras formas de estar en el mundo y nos revela ante y desde el otro. La persistencia del lenguaje desde lo cotidiano marca la diferencia de las relaciones. Qué sería de nosotros si desde la cuna evitáramos los encuentros: imposible. Praga y Mérida, tan lejanas desde lo geográfico y tan coexistentes desde el diálogo. Se ha abierto un espacio más dentro del cúmulo creativo de las posibilidades de comunicación en juego. Nos hemos sentado muchos terapeutas a reflexionar sobre el otro y sus dilemas, nuestros dilemas. Nos hemos sentado frente e frente o virtualmente frente a cámaras para establecer la coexistencia infinita o interrumpida de los diálogos abiertos. Dos ciudades: múltiples voces: un solo fin: colaborar, dialogar reflexionar con el otro a través de la conversación.
¡Continuemos el diálogo colaborativo! Acaba de amanecer sobre Praga y anochecer sobre Mérida. Silencio: domina la palabra. Nuestra relación apenas comienza… hay que escuchar sus voces… silencios …… vínculos.
Salvador Lemis y Rocio Chaveste
Thursday, June 3, 2010
en Construcción

Nos encontramos en construcción, por favor tengan paciencia, pronto podremos continuar compartiendo nuestras reflexiones
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