Saturday, July 3, 2010

Respuesta de Rocio a Katka

Dear Katka

Thank you for your words and that make me think in what Harlene says about not knowing position.
Once again it is so important to try not to understand so quickly. That's why we have to be more curious and try to ask as many questions as posible to be as close as we can to the meaning of what a person is trying to share with us.
Even a word has a story in the back and it can means many things for each one of us. Not only because of language and translation but of the context and background of each one.



  1. Hi Rocio and everyone! Yes, exactly that was what I was thinking about, not-knowing isn´t a technique to entertain a client with a funny questions which seem crazy enough to start a dialog with a new background. It is first thing what I have on my mind when talking to a client.. it was a great lesson for me.

    Please, could anyone help me to post a reflection here, please? I would like to write something down for Zolo and others, who were there in skype consultation Brno - Mexico :-)
    Bye! Katka

  2. it is not fair, it confuses my English! As it is a spanish blog, it corrects English words in a funny way probably.. my English in not so bad!! :-D

  3. Hi Katka!
    I can help you, if you like,
    we are all building our blog!
