Saturday, July 17, 2010

Some reflections to your reflections


I have read your comments to our last meeting, and I would like to share my ideas with you, too. 
I had probably a similar experience of a common collaborative dialog, without feeling the geographical  social and cultural  distance, as many from you, like Cristina (Pasos) and Ana Laura described it, and like Salvador and Rocio undelined it very movingly. I would also like to join the idea of a serious role of the silence in our dialog, as Alejandro, Ruben and Cyntia told, what gave us time to think about our inner ideas and the meaning of what we have heard. I think, we can not underestimate the differences between us, because it can be a great possibility to be inspired in our thinking and feelings. The same is valid for our interpersonal differences between me and my Czech colleagues.

I would like to describe  some of my inspirations from your reflections here. For example, it is interesting, what Peraza wrote about her presupposing of my answers to Pavels question. Do I do the same, when I speak with my clients, and do I sometimes ask them in the way that I suppose the answer? Does it mean, that I try to lead them to MINE solutions and I control them and the situation?  
Katka, yes, after this I will have a prejudice that it is not certain, that we understand each other with the client, also she is telling me that we do and everything is OK between us. On the other side, I ask myself, to what measure is this my responsibility? Your question, if she sensed that I had some information about their family before we met, is a good one. I tried to forget this information, when I worked with them, but now I ask myself, is it really possible?  Or is it better to be transparent from the first moment, also it can be risky to tell the client that you heard some bad things about him from your colleague? (and try to tell him, that this must be not also your opinion). Is transparency correlated more to a relationship with your client, or more to your relationship with yourself?
Cristina (Pasos), it is a really good question for me - After we decided to work with people, what helps us to take the risk of such a work? The same time, I ask myself what kind of situation awake in us such an emotions, that obstruct us to work with our clients? I know, that my emotions helps me to orientate myself in the situation. Does it also mean, that they have the priority to protect me as a being, and just afterwards the care about my relationship to the client? Then is it possible, that these feelings arose with the information about the "problematic" family, before I met them, but I did not care about them, because I thought, that I will handle them? 
Thank you for your encouragement Karla (Safe Barbuda), after such a case, my self esteem started to oscillate. And thank you for sharing the idea, that it is important to respect the clients decision. 
Gaudalupe (Padilla), I see it in the similar way, to understand the complexity of opinions and needs is a big challenge. This complexity and challenge can rise my fears, as I see the case to be difficulty and it modifies my behavior. Then I can ask myself, am I doing something different from my role of a psychotherapist, or do I not do, what  I supposed to do?

I hope, I did not forget anything important, because I never wrote or read a blog. If not, a hope, we will have the space to share our ideas again.

Thank to all  of you and have a nice day,

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